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Laser Epilation

Laser hair removal is the name of the process in which laser beams are used to permanently get rid of hair and hairs that occur in various parts of the body.

Laser Epilation is an important and reliable method to remove hair from other wax and hair removal methods.

The laser beams used in this application are not absorbed by the body. The rays go directly to the hair follicles, where they gradually terminate the hair formation by targeting the melanin pigment in the hair follicle.

Before Application Of Laser Epilation

The aim of laser hair removal is to purify the hair from the hair permanently. Therefore, during the laser hair removal sessions, the hair in the area of ​​laser hair removal should not be taken from the root. On the other hand, for those who will start the first session, the hair in the region to be applied should not have been taken from the root for at least 1 month. Again, the epilating area is healthy and there is no scar and benign, it is very important for the person who will have epilepsy not to take risks.

People who have undergone any operation in the past have to report this to the dermatology center prior to laser epilation. In addition, the person who is going to have laser hair removal should not be exposed to excessive sun exposure for 6 weeks before the epilation and should be protected from the sun during the session.

Taking these into consideration, the potential risks during laser hair removal are minimized. Controlled hair removal will have a much higher chance of success. The number of sessions to be performed depends on the person’s skin type, hair structure and response to hair removal.

The desired outcome is usually between 3 and 8 sessions. These are done according to the dates determined by your doctor. Between these dates, you should not interfere with any hairs other than laser hair removal.

Laser Epilation Application

The laser is cleaned prior to the application of the area to be epilated. The cleanliness of the area helps both the rays to see the hair follicles more clearly and also protects against the mishaps that may occur during the application. First of all, one’s health is essential.

Laser hair removal efficiency is the highest in hair growth during the active growth period. Under normal conditions, the growth periods of hairs are not the same. Recurrent laser sessions are thought to synchronize hairs during active growth. Nowadays, it is suitable to be applied in 4 to 8 weeks intervals according to the regions. In the first stage, the hairs are reduced and thinned and then gradually disappear.

Preparations Before Laser Epilation

– Before laser epilation is applied, hairs and hairs are not removed for several weeks. (This period is specified as 1 month.)

– In order to initiate the laser epilation application, it is necessary to wait until the hair growth in the area where the hair removal is to reach the maximum density. Waxing or tweezers should not be used for a period ranging from 2 to 6 weeks.

– Epilepsy, infection, precancerosis, skin disease should not be in the area such as lesions, retinoic acid-derived acne medications should be cut a few weeks in advance.

– It should not be tanned in the solarium and in the sun.

– It is not correct to take the hair with tweezers or rope during laser hair removal procedures. In addition, laser hair removal should not be done within 48-72 hours following sun bath and solarium and should not be exposed to solarium or sunlight for a few weeks after the procedure.

Laser Epilation?

The question of pain and pain during the practice is a question we have encountered a lot. Generally, laser hair removal is painless. Most people describe a pain like a temporary pinching, tingling, a very low force feeling of electric shock, or a feeling of pain in a rubber bump. Very rarely they may be more painful during the procedure. For this reason, local anesthesia can be applied to the region and it can be ensured that epilation is painless.

Laser Epilation Is Suitable For Me?

Before applying, your doctor will examine your skin and hair structure for you. This examination is very important whether your hair structure is appropriate. The most suitable hair structure is the hair which is thick and black. The advantage for the laser method is to be white-skinned. High doses can be easily applied to people with light skin. However, dark-skinned patients do not need to worry, our patients with dark skin and thin hair Nd: YAG laser can be used.

What To Do Before Laser Epilation?

We have mentioned some of the things that need to be done before laser hair removal. Let’s bring together the things that need to be done before the application here and see them as substances:

In the body, the hair in the region of laser hair removal should not be taken from the root at least 1 month before.

The area where the laser will be made should be cleaned first.

A procedure that will damage the hair should not be applied before the procedure. It is not correct to remove the hair with tweezers or rope during laser hair removal procedures. It is also important to ensure that the epilated area is healthy and that there is no scar and benign person.

They should not be exposed to excessive exposure to sunlight for 6 weeks prior to epilation and should be protected from the sun during the session. Bronzed skin laser hair removal should not be done. If it is bronzed, the patient’s skin should be opened.

If there is any operative condition before, this should be reported to the epilation center. In areas where laser hair removal is done, there should be no lesions such as herpes, infections, precancerous skin diseases. Laser hair removal should not be applied to patients with skin sensitizing skin diseases. Psoriasis is one of these diseases.

After Laser Epilation

After mentioning what needs to be done before laser hair removal, let’s talk about the following and the possible consequences:

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Laser Epilation Dr. Fulya Tezel Ankara Dermatologist